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Dezhou Hesheng Plastic Co., Ltd.  

Chemicals,Construction & Decoration,Industrial Equipment & Components,Manufacturing & Processing Machinery,Security & Protection,Sporting Goods & Recreation,Tools & Hardware,Transportation

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公司名称 Dezhou Hesheng Plastic Co., Ltd.
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 $0.00
公司类型 company (Manufacturer/Factory)
所 在 地 China/zhejiang/zhoushan
公司规模 >50 People
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2020
经营模式 Manufacturer/Factory
经营范围 Chemicals,Construction & Decoration,Industrial Equipment & Components,Manufacturing & Processing Machinery,Security & Protection,Sporting Goods & Recreation,Tools & Hardware,Transportation
销售的产品 UHMWPE Sheet/Board , HDPE Sheet/Board
主营行业 Packaging & Printing     Packaging & Printing / Package & Conveyance     Packaging & Printing / Package & Conveyance / Slip Sheet    
HeSheng Plastic Company Profile

The HeSheng Story

Our story began in 2004. Back then the company founder Mr. Li was a salesman of UHMWPE-BOARD and PP BOARD for a private owner of a factory.

Today, we are priviliged to connect tens of thousands of clients from China to the globe. (like Japan, Singapore, Russia, USA, etc)

Our Products

We serve a wide range of products including UHMWPE-BOARD, PA BOARD, PVC BOARD and HDPE BOARD. All the products mentioned above are widely used in transportation, packaging, paper making, bin liners, port machinery, etc. It is our goal for all of the products to be grown under the highest standard of quality, using ethical sourcing practicies.

HeSheng Mission:

OUR MISSION: To serve the customer heart and soul.

Everything we do is about you. From the executive who will solve any of the promblems of yours instantly, to workers who work tirelessly to make sure you get the products in time. We strive to remain loyal to high-quality and your trust. We believe that step by step we can make a difference!


Quality Management System Certificate issued by Beijing standard certification center.

Environment Management System Certificate issued by Beijing standard certification center.


DeZhou HeSheng plastic company is located in Ningjin Development Zone and it's surrouded by Jinan as well as Tianjin Binhai New Area, providing rich geography resource for our market development.

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